What Refractory Period?

“This is supposed to go away after […] But it doesn’t. Not with you, wife.“ Kerrigan Byrne, The Highwayman Dear Amanda, This will be a short(er) one, I promise. Have you every read a romance novel and the male hero climaxes not once, but twice or more within the span of a few minutes? ForContinue reading “What Refractory Period?”

A Brief History of Menstrual Products

Someday she meant to devise a better way to handle one’s monthly. A napkin tied with ribbons had distinct drawbacks, one of which was that it was likely to shift during dancing. Eloisa James, Borne to Be Wilde Dear Amanda, Have you ever wondered what life was like before the tampon? I don’t mean beforeContinue reading “A Brief History of Menstrual Products”

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